Hello classmates, in this free post I wish to talk about the music, specifically to its power, its effect on the humans, and on me. I think that everybody needs hear music for to live, without import the music kind that everyone likes. This idea not only is mine, because now there are some scientific investigations that confirm this fact.
A movie that I like it, and that it shows the effect of music in ours lifes, is “August Rush”, which is about how the music can join to a family that they were not known, but only with the love sound, they could get.
Personally, the music for me is like the water, it’s mean that I can live without it, but I don’t be fine. I feel that something is missing me, I’m living not the right way. This is because the music relaxes me and excite me, it makes me smile, it makes me cry. And I feel that some lyrics were made for me.
Although I don’t know play a musical instrument now, I wish a lot to learn some day, and I love hear to people that plays piano, violin, and other symphonic instruments. In general, all instrument played in the right way is beautiful for the ears of any person, and like the movie says, that I mentioned above: “The music is in all places, only we must know how listen it”, we can hear the music of the nature, as the wind sound, of a sea wave, of a lake, in a cornfield dancing, in the birds songs, between other.
Well, that’s all folks, I see you soon.
Well, that’s all folks, I see you soon.
It's easier to learn nowadays. You can learn through videos on youtube! Go on.... just do it!